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  3. Visualizing Curve Data

Visualizing Curve Data

If you have uploaded curve data into the platform, you can overlay curves by navigating to Visualize Curve Data under the visualize tab. (To learn more about curve uploaders, please refer to this article).

To build a plot, select the curves (1) and experiments (2) that you’d like to compare. You can also color the curves (3) by data associated with your selected experiments: individual curve, experiment name, ingredients, process parameters, outputs, condition parameters and more.

Use the Add Filter option to filter out curves associated with experiments that fail to meet certain criteria. This filtering component works the same way as other experiment filters available throughout the platform. For more information on using these filters, please refer to this article.

Customize your plot using the visualization toolbar in the center of the page. You can:

  • Show Best Fit Line: No, Linear, Quadratic, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power
  • Legend Location: Below, Above, Left, Right, Hide
  • Hide Grid Lines: Yes/No
  • Use Variable Line Styles: Yes/No
  • Apply Cubic Interpolation (option to either connect an interpolating spline or draw straight lines between each data point): Yes/No
  • Extra Average Curve Smoothing (option to connect an interpolating spline on existing average curves to apply additional smoothing): Yes/No 
  • Set Axes – Fixed or Scaled (Inherit, Log Linear)
  • Set Axes Labels & Plot Title
  • Show/Hide Points With Zero Values
  • Show/Hide Lines, Points and Regressions

You can also add static lines to your plot. One use case for this feature would be to display spec ranges against your curves. These can be determined using simple horizontal or vertical lines, or—for more advanced use cases—you can enter a formula. 

From the gear icon in the top-right of the page, you can:

  • Expand replicates of experiments into individual curves
  • Save and Load Visualizations (when saving a plot, you can override an existing version if desired; you can also save your plot to a notebook)
  • Download and Export Visualizations

To increase or decrease the size of your plot on the page, use the (+) and (-) icons at the top-right of the plot. 

Finally, you can change the color of a specific series by clicking on the name from the plot legend. You will see an option for Change Series Color in a pop-up dialogue box. 

Updated on May 10, 2023

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