Visualizing Test Samples

A quick guide to visualizing data associated with test samples.

Aggregated Test Sample Visualizations

Measurements on test samples, by default, will be visualized as measurements on a parent sample. This implies that regardless of the number of test samples, on a scatter plot, only one point will be associated with a parent sample. If multiple test samples are present, each replicate on the test sample will represent a replicate on the parent sample. In the example below, three test samples are associated with the parent sample. When visualized, the average and standard deviation of the three measurements are displayed on the graph

Individual Test Sample Visualizations

There are a multitude of cases where each test sample generated should be visualized as its own point on a scatter plot. To enforce this logic, select the eye icon in the gray visualization toolbar and select Split Test Samples. In the visualization below, an input parameter of the test sample is displayed on the x axis and an output of the test sample is displayed on the y axis. Without splitting the test samples, there would only be one point.

There are multiple ways to split a test sample. 

When viewing multiple test samples associated with multiple different parent samples, it can be helpful to visualize which point is associated with which parent sample. To visualize this, under the select color field, select Experiment Name, and select “Use Parent Experiment Name”, which will both split the test samples, but provide a visual guide to which parent they are associated with.

Updated on February 19, 2023

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